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Flotter Dreier – drei in eins!

Flotter Dreier – drei in eins!


Herbststart – von Steven Kuznia

Erst die Ruten…

Am Wochenende beschloss ich ein Gewässer anzufahren, welches ich erst wenige Male befischt habe. Umso größer war die Aufregung und die Motivation! Kaum angekommen, machte ich sofort die Ruten startklar…Steven Kuznia, der Herbst steht vor der Tür Steven Kuznia, der Herbst steht vor der Tür

… dann das Camp

Als die Ruten mit unserem IB Carptrack Crawfish Boilie, getoppt mit einem pinken V-Pop Up, optimal verteilt auf ihren Plätzen lagen, kochte ich mir etwas um mich für eine hoffentlich erfolgreiche Nacht zu stärken. Schon relativ früh legte ich mich in den Schlafsack, da die Temperaturen langsam fallen und sich der Herbst nähert. Um 2 Uhr nachts wurde ich dann von einem Dauerton geweckt und konnte völlig gespannt die Rute aufnehmen. Nach einigen Fluchten war ich schließlich der Sieger und hatte den ersten Fisch im Netz! Mit einem Grinsen im Gesicht konnte ich mich wieder beruhigt schlafen legen. Bei diesem einen Fisch blieb es dann auch.Steven Kuznia, der Herbst steht vor der Tür Steven Kuznia, der Herbst steht vor der Tür

Am nächsten Morgen wurden die Ruten wieder neu gelegt…Steven Kuznia, der Herbst steht vor der Tür

Eine gute Mischung: manche hatte ich zuvor ein paar Tage trocknen lassen, sodass sie stein hart wurden!
Steven Kuznia, der Herbst steht vor der Tür

Das Warten konnte wieder guten Gewissens beginnen…

Nach dem Frühstück, mit angenehmen Temperaturen, änderte sich die Lage plötzlich schlagartig. Die Sonne verschwand hinter schwarzen Wolken und es fing kräftig an zu gewittern. Wie sollte es auch anders sein, es dauerte gerade mal eine halbe Stunde und meine Funke meldete sich bei heftigem Regen und Gewitter. Nach kurzer Überlegung, rannte ich entschlossen zur Rute, sprang aufs Boot und versuchte schnellstmöglich zum Spot zu fahren um möglichst wenig zu riskieren. Sehr schnell konnte ich diesen schönen Schuppmann landen!Steven Kuznia, der Herbst steht vor der Tür

Völlig durchnässt wieder am Ufer

Dort versorgte ich den Fisch und begab mich danach umgehend ins Zelt, um mich aufzuwärmen. Nach einem heißen Kaffee war die Welt wieder in Ordnung und das Wetter fing langsam an sich zu beruhigen. Nach einem schnellen Fotoshooting mit Stativ, durfte der Bursche wieder schwimmen.

Ich genoss noch den Abend vor der letzten NachtSteven Kuznia, der Herbst steht vor der Tür

Diese verlief sehr ruhig. Erst am frühen Morgen, kurz vor Sonnenaufgang, meldete sich meine Funke. Nach kurzem Drill musste ich leider feststellen, dass der Fisch ausgestiegen war, denn am Seeufer sammelte sich viel Kraut und verfing sich in meiner Schnur. Nichts desto trotz war ich mehr als zufrieden und konnte das Leben der Natur mit einem Kaffee vor dem Schirm genießen. Beim Karpfenangeln müssen wir lernen mit Misserfolgen umzugehen, um beim nächsten Mal die Lorbeeren zu ernten. All das macht das Karpfenangeln aus und ich bin mir sicher, dass diese Session nicht die Letzte an diesem See war!

Euer Steven Kuznia
Team Imperial-Fishing Germany

Late Summer – from Wojtek Ozimek

I decided to spend my free weekend at a small pond. The weather was really good, it was over 25°C outside and the temperature of water was 19°C.The hot wind was blowing at my side. I saw many carps and crass carps basking in the water. I chose small pop up boilies of 10mm size. The fluo v pop up at d rig hanging 4 cm over the bottom looked beautifully. When fish swam near my bait it got moving and fish wanted to get a taste of it. I decided to use a lot of corn, boilied birdfood and crushed Imperial Baits Banana boilies. It was a perfect decision.


I caught the first fish not later than an hour from putting my leader in the water. Maybe it wasn’t my biggest fish but it made me happy.

Meanwhile, i had a next bite. The fish was strong but I caught it fast. This one had a beautiful tail.

Summer Love

I love summer trips when the water is warm and I can get into the pond.

Another take and next carp landed on my unhooking mat

More and more…

Bites are fast, I can’t swim back my baitboat to my state and next fish takes my bait. Now I will try a snowman of 16mm Monster Liver Rambo Hookbaits and one small 10mm pink v pop up. Fishes dont let me rest 🙂

Happy End!

The trip is coming to an end. It is last chance to chill in the water after hard work .

Suddenly it started to rain.  The hail was falling on my rods and tent, it was frightening ! I was really scared about my equipment.

Time to go home

Everything is wet, but I have to come back home! I decided to pack the wet equipment up and go home as fast as it was possible.

Rod Bands in our Onlineshop – click here!

This trip was funny. I caught a lot of fishes, I was Sunbathing and swimming in water and at the end I get “cold shawer“ 🙂 I am happy I could spend this time on carping.

Wojtek Ozimek
Team Imperial-Fishing Poland

Let´s start fishing! – from Jarosław Sadłocha

As usual, I have very limited time  to present you all the most important details from my recent fishing trip. However, I’ll try to write some words to get my recent fishing adventure by one of my favourite areas closer to you.

Time of a winter adaptation is the time of reflections, completing of equipment, accessories, baits, thinking about past season. There is also reflections about that what was the most effective? And what wasn’t? And, what’s the most important – where we want fishing when we have a very limited time to spend our best moments when all reflections and thoughts will be over.

From my experience, it is good to choose areas which are known to you from the most important point of view – firstly, density of fish population, secondly, own preferences and thirdly, baits which you want to issue in the fishing area. Often I choose two or maximum, three ta stes of balls. I prepare baits by myself, gently putting different add-ons, depending on season of the year and fishing area. I focus on that areas which are closest to my home so I don’t waste many time for transport – of course it results with more successful action near water.

Watch out!

When it is all set, I observe the water and a number of details included, check temperature, air pressure and wind direction, and, if it’s possible, insolation and clearness. I will not mention about reservoir survey because the water is known to you, and the bottom of it, where you will place prepared sets. These are not all but the most important parts of all this jigsaw – unless you manage to see migration of carps – then our task is much easier – only question about reservoir and its surface.

On the water…

So we have a May weekend. At early morning I pack my stuff, about 4 AM I finish my coffee and I’m going to the area. After arrival, about 5.30 AM, there is nothing special in the reservoir. That’s May – sleety, windy – this is normal. Sometimes the sun appears, finally weather starts to be fine and it becomes quite nice. Atmospheric pressure is freaky, in other words, it’s cool. “dream May weekend”. After making a camp and observation of places I prepare sets which include my favourite „killers” from Carptrack series – Monster Liver and Amino Pellet. I limit to spot attracting without any major combinations – crushed balls + pellet + a little quantity of whole balls for set.

First strike!

After about 6 hours from attracting first success occurs. On mat there is the first brave Carp which gave a great pleasure to me. Silence becomes, I attract once more and I go to my tent for chow. Night is falling, I check my sets once again and I go to my tent to warm up.

View from my tent is disturbed by dense fog which remains to late night hours. I felt asleep. About 1.30 AM sound of the buzzer woke me up and I pull another fish which nicely bended my rod. Next, nice mirror carp appears on my mat. In this time I packed it to a carp sack and I go sleep. But it’s not the end. Next signal, in this time from completely different location, from bigger depth, just few metres from camp. It’s something big and nice, fights good but it detaches. My disappointment reaches the top. I sat on a chair and I checked this set step by step. Finally I found a reason and I changed rig. I prepared the next set and placed it by RC model, not making disorder in reservoir. I went back to tent.

This night brought me 3 another fishes which were set free immediately

I felt asleep. At the morning there was a pouring rain and buzzers were silent as enchanted. When downpour stopped I decided to change my tactics – to bring one set into the place where my first success occurred. It was the bull’s-eye. Soon the next nice carp landed on my mat.

To sum up:

Weather anomalies have their pros and cons. Properly chosen area, tactics, knowledge and effective baits do their job. But the most important there is to be here and make some Cyprinuses defeated.

See you!

Jarosław Sadłocha
Team Imperial-Fishing Poland

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