Peter Abraham
This year (July) I finally had the time to fish more than for a short night at my pretty new (since 2011 fish at the lake) house water body for 5 days. I was able to FINALLY catch my target fish # 1 there…
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Elena Antoniucci
Carpfishing isn’t just fish but it is especially emotions that have to be lived!
Marcello Ferri
Every morning I wake up to these moments, no sounds or sounds that the important thing is to be out there in search of our dream!
Sandra Dimic
Every moment we spent on fishing is special..but most beatifule is that moment we become a part of nature and feel life..Live your life..go fishing..
Mirko Buder
One of my special moments in 2013 could be held in this picture. This image shows a colorful sunset in summer 2013. A memorable session with four friends and about 30 fishes. …
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Andrea Cucconi
waiting for dawn, waiting for the sunset, waiting for the catch, living daily in nature enjoying every nuance that she gives us. This is carp fishing!
Wolfgang Duelli
Hello, I’m Wolfgang … I fish my whole life for carp and internationally on large lake since 2006!
Here’s my big picture from 2013 …
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Fabrizio Fregni
I remember when i shot this picture. Was a summer day in the north arm of saint cassien lake. Perfect day for our passion and also for take a swim in the holy water.
Lutz Gansel
Thick black-blue clouds moved from the four cardinal directions to the lake in Croatia. They brought deafening thunder and lightning every second that made it suddenly as bright as day. An incredible and unique natural spectacle…
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Alexander Graf
Last year I had the chance to spend 5 weeks on a beautiful lake in Hungary. Per week were just one or two days where the bigger carps came to eat, this was one of them. I had to spend many days alone, but it pays off for such a catch.
Christoph Haggenmüller
I have shot this picture exactly during the „Blue Hour“! This „Blue Hour“ is exactly the time of twilight between sunset and darkness of the night! …
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Steven Höhne
This photo was taken at one of the few sessions with my wife accompanied me. Unfortunately we could catch anything this time, but this image is still reminiscent of a beautiful night together.
this is my big picture. it was taken some days after my grandfather´s funeral . 24 years ago my grandfather show me how to fish. i loved it so much to go out in the nature, that every year fishing becomes more attention. …
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Felix Kaczmarek
Carp fishing is something special. Multifacet. Beautiful. Just a Passion for lifetime.
Alexander Kasperidus
I was fishing with two friends on an oxbow lake with water lilies and wood in the water.
It was a beautiful June morning. I was awakened by the singing birds of the forest behind me…
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Justin König
Success through the willingness to help
The picture was created during my one-week-trip in Poland for which I had worked the whole year before. When I arrived I was really disappointed because the situation there was so bad. …
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Sven Krüger
The drill with the fish and the snake.
Who will win the fight man or snake? It all looked for a perfectly ordinary drill of a white fish…
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Selina Kürner
This picture reminds of one moment which one wants to forget, actually, fast, but itself certainly every carp angler wishes a wonderful winter Schuppi. It was snowing and was very cold, simply unforgettable! …
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Florian Läufer
I sampled this mystic moment during in a fullmoon-night in early October. The sky was nearly clear, the moon was enlighting the spooky scenery like a huge torch and the first carp was caught one hour before I took the picture which shows my fishing-buddy Guido, waiting for some action. …
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Simon Lechtaler
This photo was taken on a mild autumn day in late October. I stocked the rods with Uncle Bait „The Boilie“ and threw them with little hope in front of an overhanging bush during the day…
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Viola Lehr
-Loving interaction-
A passion, an indescribable feeling far away from reality that takes your breath away every day. A short moment with much greater effect than can be described in a single word. Here I can be myself, …
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Dennis Lonzer
I’ll start to tell a little earlier. It was about a big mirror carp, I had seen 2012 in July on the mat of another angler. He weighed about 19 kg at that time …
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Jacek Lorenc
You’d think that with 19 degrees Celsius outside, you’d need more than 48 pounds of scales in your arms to get so hot… That’s carp fishing magic for you.
Wolfgang Lukas
2 nights without any fish contact. But the mere sight of this November morning makes up for all the hardships. Black lake / Styria / Austria
Danny Mai
Hello, my name is Danny May, I’m from the lovely town in Lower Saxony Bramsche and my personal Big Picture of the year is this evocative snapshot on my most faithful companion since 5 years can be seen. …
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Lisa Sassi Maramotti
Standing upon the seashore, the only one place where I can breathe. This is my love, this is my dream, my huge obsession. The only one! I need it, forever.
Jörg Miadowitz
Sitting and waiting in this cold winter nights in the harbor of river Neckar… Each moment, a special moment. Especially through the long nights with this great scenery in picture! …
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Oliver Österreicher
In woke up early and lo and behold … snowed in and how!
Ladislav Pinkas
Hello Imperialists of Europe, my name is Láďa Pinkas and I am from Czech Republic.
I am fishing since 5 years and I have started catch carps by degrees. I love fishing and I only catch on IB products. …
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Vulcan Power
After a hard fight finally my dream turns into reality. Silence is around me and I’m happy, nothing matters but me, she and the lake that will soon get back beauty in its cold water…
Chris Price
Walking home from a quick after work session on my local river i could see this gorgeous sunset! so stuck the camera on to self timer placed it onto the floor and captured this cool shot!
Ronny Propst
Shortly after sunrise, when the rods were placed, the coffee in the cup and the first rays of sunshine, fog broke the light and this cool photo arises…
Moritz Matzke
My best Moment in carpfishing took place in this years summer when i caught this beautiful common carp. I’m a carp angler for only three years now and mostly fish on a 66h big lake in northern germany. …
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Alan Kosa
Hi, I am sending you a picture where I’ve just fished carp, just as it was in the summer .. I will never forget this moment because I thought in that day, that God will come down from the heavens…
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Patrick Rös
In the first session our little son was on board, we were rewarded with a nice carp. Thus we were able to show him the creature “carp” in more detail. …
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Jan Saßninck
So this picture was taken in the summer of 2013 when carp fishing in the Ruhr area at the river Ruhr. I find this particularly beautiful because the scenery is remarkable and the rainbow is completely visible in its beautiful colors. …
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Andreas Scherf
A HOT SHOT at my home water – Father Rhine!
Kevin Schneider
I was out fishing for three days with no fish, a lot of rain and cold weather. But at the last evening I was able to enjoy this beautiful sunset. The swans were feeding in front of my swim and I saw fish jumping over my spot. Then in the last sunlight my rod went of and I was able to land a nice common carp. – One of my best impressions this year.
Udo Schneider
On such a day there is no story but a beautiful moment.
Ute Schneider
I caught a lot of beautiful babys but that`s my biggest one!
Hendrik Schuster
This my personal „BIG picture“ of 2013. I took it in the early morning of the very last summer morning of this year. Minutes before, my fishing mate Mathias took pictures of me with my biggest carp in the water that we fished for a short overnighter. …
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Brad Smudzinski
Chasing that first high — it is a common theme heard in circles of alcohol and drug addiction. But it’s also something I can relate to as a carp angler. I will never forget the first fish I caught or the look of pride on my father’s face as he watched. …
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Andreas stark
Carpfishing is more than catch big carps! Sitting behind the Rods and enjoy this amzing panorama!
Christian Steinhoff
No! It is not Canada or Alaska. This unspoiled natural landscape can be experienced also in Germany. Where exactly? In Bavaria, at the River Isar. We were there for carp and predator fishing at the Walchensee, as we got the tip from a local angler …
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Gerald Sumetzberger
A strong drill at sunrise in Lower Austria.
Kay Synwoldt
„Out of the blue“
The English fishermen say when they describe a sudden and unexpected bite. I have captured such a moment on this cool morning in late October. …
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Nils Thönnes
In the fall of 2013 I was able to experience an unforgettable session with a friend. We fished for four nights in an public lake about 80 acres in Germany which was totally unknown to us. In the days we were able to record 30 runs …
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Maik Tolksdorf
Not every lake likes every angler and vice versa. I had to find out this painfully in summer, 2013. With giants expectations I travelled to the Lac de Carcès. After 9 days without fish, the night visits of a wild fox …
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Björn Bleiss
My image is relatively simple … but still draws a normal session…. not to say the calm before the storm. 😉 .. I hope someone appreciates it anyway in the voting …
Daniel Wiesner
Before Spring Awakening
The night was to just above 0 ° C still quite cool, as one bite took place shortly before dawn. During the drills I stood in the still noticeable winter chill of a slowly approaching spring morning in March…
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The IB – Big Picture Voting for all
Due to the lots of great submissions it was pretty difficult to make a choice between the best 50 pictures and we have to admit, for one or another picture we took a long time to come to a decision. But we had to make a choice and we did it to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Since we had such difficulties to make our selection and did not want to unconsider the other ca. 190 participants, we decided to admit all ca. 230 participants to the voting and give each of them the chance to win one of the big prizes of a total value of 6500,00 €.
Tauz Akos | Bianciardi Alberto | Alina |
Anthony Alix | Lorenz Andorfer | Janis Angler |
Marvin Aschenbrenner | Haas Aufhausen | Alana Balter |
Nils Barder | Paul Bär | Guido Bendin |
Eger Benedikt | Michael Berberich | Andreas Bertalantis |
Daniel Bethke | Herbert Beyer | Chris Bienert |
Sebastian Blank | Miroslav Blazinovic | Jan Brase |
Michael Borello | Igor Bosnjak | Max Brauer |
Felix Braun | Nils Brechters | Rafael Bringmann |
Matus Bucko | Caroline Campe | Pais Carlos |
Mario Cervenka | Giancarlo Cordelli | Erik Dillenberger |
Jannis Dippel | Alexander Drey | Nils Egenberger |
Philipp Egger | Elaine | Sarah Fabisch |
Martin Farkas | Helmut Bär | Ronny Fischer |
Bjarne-Remmer Frederiksen | Dani Fürst | Raphael Gasser |
Steven Gatter | Maxi Gerstmeier | Jürgen Gessl |
Marlin Gieck | Stephan Glaser | Daniel Grabenhofer |
Baito Graphy | Roland Gründler | Markus Haberleitner |
Florian Halbwax | Sylvain Halus | Max Hansen |
Klambauer Hanspeter | Lukas Hautmann | Nils Heinisch |
Florian Hienle | Jonas Hillebrands | Marcel Hilliges |
David Horvat | Zoltan Horvat | Jan Jablonski |
Stefan Janssen | Mathias Joo | Andre Jähningen |
Davor Karaula | Oliver Kerkeling | Julian Kleemann |
Stefan Kleiber | Daniel Klein | Luca Kleinschroth |
Michael Klück | Henning Knuhr | Jakob Kögel |
Erik Köhn | Tobias Koldrack | David Koren |
Manuel Reis | Hannes Kühn | Remus Kumher |
Paul Kummerfeld | Peter Langner | Lars |
Lukasz Lechowski | Maximilian Lenerz | Lukacs Levente |
Yannick Lörwald | Marcel Reinsperger | Lori |
M M | Max Machens | Ioana Maria |
Mario Wögerer | Marius | Marv |
Monica Lucchi | Reich Maximilian | David Mayer |
Thomas Meniuk | Mario Merkel | Paul Meyer |
Toni Meyer | Alessandro Miguel | Jan Moo |
Mr. Bombastic | William Neese | Marcel Neudeck |
Luis Niedergassel | Felix Niederwieser | Martijn Nieland |
Sven Nithammer | Sven Ohle | Peter Oswaldi |
Christian Päpke | Bastian Panhorst | Martin Parzer |
Luca Pellizarri | Monica Pinkas | Alexander Piringer |
Tobias Placke | Lukas Prasser | Sascha Prenninger |
Pasquale Pressano | Darwin Pridat | Katrin Prietzel |
Christian Propst | Volker Protzek | Jörg Radlewski |
Frederic Ragutt | Georg Röske | Daniel Röthlinger |
Steffen Rüger | Alexander Sattler | Jürgen Schaschl |
Stefan Schirmer | Talita Schleckmann | Tim Schlotter |
Fabian Schmidt | Diana Schmitz | Robert Schuh |
Benjamin Schödel | Stefan Schoon | Thilo Schulze |
Frank-Hendrik Sekula | Andreas Sethaler | Britta Siebert |
Jonas Sommer-Derksen | Kevin Spanl | Daniel Spiegl |
Marcel Spremberg | Tim Stadtmüller | Lucas Steiner |
Florian Steuer | Michael Stock | Mathias Stolbinger |
Christian Stolle | Henry Stotijn | Gottfried Strasser |
Mirko Sukovic | Jörg Thomas | Toth Tibor |
Timo | Stefan Tirpak | Daniel Trinkl |
Mitja Trnovsek | Stefan Uckert | Gerd Ückermann |
Michael Ulbricht | Klaus Vogel | Karel Vorisek |
Jo Weber | Julian Weber | Florian Wester |
Roland Wilkat | Wolfgang Wittmann | Robin Wölk |
Nils Wriedt | Gottschalk Z. | Bernadette Zab |
Ricco Zeh | Nadine Zimmermann | Mathias Joop |
Gerhard Wesenauer |
BIG Picture WINNER PRICES in a value of more than 6500€
Prize 1
– iBoat 320
– Carp Rod „max nollert Temptation Twin Tip“
– 15kg Carptrack Boilies + PopUps, Dip & Gel
– “Give me 4” Pimp my Bait Box BIG ONE
– 6-Pack Energy Drink “Feel good” and Sticker Set
– IB Starterpack[/one_half]
Prize 2
– iBoat 260
– Carp Rod „Imperial Baits Multirange“
– 10kg Carptrack Boilies + PopUps, Dip & Gel
– “Give me 4” Pimp my Bait Box
– 6-Pack Energy Drink “Feel good” and Sticker Set
– IB Starterpack[/one_half]
Prize 3
– iBoat 210
– Carp Rod „Imperial Legend Carp“
– 10kg Carptrack Boilies + PopUps, Dip & Gel
– “Give me 4” Pimp my Bait Box
– 6-Pack Energy Drink “Feel good” and Sticker Set
– IB Starterpack[/one_half]
Prize 4
– iBoat 160
– 5kg Carptrack Boilies + PopUps, Dip & Gel
– “Give me 4” Pimp my Bait Box
– 6-Pack Energy Drink “Feel good” and Sticker Set
– IB Starterpack[/one_half]
Prizes 5-15
– 5kg Uncle Bait „The Boilie“
– 30g Uncle Bait „The Amino Gel“
– 50ml Uncle Bait „The Amino Dip“
– 50g Uncle Bait „The Pop Up“
– Energy Drink “Feel good” and Sticker Set
– IB Starterpack[/one_half]
Prizes 16-30
– 1kg Uncle Bait „The Boilie“
– Energy Drink “Feel good” and Sticker Set
– IB Starterpack[/one_half]
1 x iBoat 320 2.0
1 x carp rod “max nollert Temptation Twin Tip”
1 x 25 kg Imperial Baits Carptrack Boilies sorted
total value = 1900,00 €
Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
Modifications and mistakes reserved. The decision is final.