Bootsangeln – Ein Abenteuer für Jedermann?!
Mathis Korn berichtet in der aktuellen CHM Ausgabe 117 / 2018 über sein Boots-Angel-Abenteuer in Südfrankreich. Mathis vom Team DAIWA und Dynamite Baits war einer der Ersten, die sich das brand neue iBoat 500 sicherten und schmiedete bereits im frühen Frühjahr seine Pläne…
Ein sehr gelungener Bericht mit tollen Fotos!
Mathis, wir wünschen Dir weiterhin viele erfolgreiche Sessions vom iBoat 500 aus!
Ebenfalls in der aktuellen Ausgabe:
Chris Ackermann mit einem Rückblick in die Vergangenheit. Er berichtet von einer erfolgreichen Session in Südfrankreich, damals noch im Team IB mit reichlich IB Carptrack BIG Fish Boilies im Gepäck!
Vor fast genau zwei Jahren brachte das Carphunters Magazine (CHM) folgende iBoat Meldung raus:
Eilmeldung zu der aktuellen iBoat Lieferung:
Realtree jetzt auch in 0,9mm Dezitex!
Mit der neuen Produktion und Lieferung, war es nun endlich möglich auch das Realtree Material in der begehrten Stärke von 0,9mm herzustellen. Damit müssen wir kein Extra-Gewicht mehr schleppen und genießen den Vorzug von Leichtigkeit und Stärke im besten Verhältnis.
Kleine Produktionsmengen bei Realtree iBoats
Wir möchten darüber informieren, dass Realtree stets nur in kleine Mengen bevorratet wird, da es im Vergleich zum schönen Grün, welches sich fast immer gut in die Umgebung einpasst, selten gefragt ist. Vorbestellungen mit entsprechender Wartezeit sind jedoch immer möglich.
Finding the Hot Spots
When an important fishing session is approaching, we always have in mind during the preceding days what will be the place to put our rods, what will be the baits and the strategy we’ll use.
All these details are important, because it will increase our desire to fish but I am sorry to tell you that most of it is a misstake because of this reason we rush and we do not see clearly or think correctly even for two or three hours in which place we’ll place our rods and in which spots we will fish.
I don’t know what you think, but I’ve always thought a plan for a long session and when I’ve arrived at the shore I have completely changed my strategy and my baits, that’s why I think it’s more productive to not think about these factors but yes you can take a look to the weather forecast, information about the capacity of the lake or river to see if it is low or high or if in a short period of time these levels have drastically changed and especially the temperature.
Another factor to keep in mind is to study the possible spots that we want to see before starting to fish since according to the first session will depend if we choose one or another and we also have to be aware that it’s possible that when we arrive there are other anglers already fishing. I also think that many times we settle down in a spot because in the past we had a good session and this, I think, it’s the second error. So depending on the direction of the air, take a map and look for an area where you think the fish can move.
With all these details, you are going to have a studied session and when you arrive at the shore you only have to spend a few hours visiting these coordinates to see if you have located the fish. About the bait you should use, it isn’t too complicated because finally, we end up using one that we’ve worked in the past or one which we trust.
What I usually do is: I put three different flavors (two with a salty taste and one with a sweet one) in three specific spots with different depths, and the one that gives me the most runs in the first twenty-four hours I begin to use it in all my rods, this is simple and it usually works.
In my last session, I started to use the Imperial Baits (IB), a worldwide famous brand for the quality of its products and for which I have the pleasure of having recently signed.
In each position, I put mixed boilies and some tiger nuts, in case the robs were hungry and they ate the bait.
In this occasion, I was fishing on three different types of bottoms, with rocks, with vegetation and some mud, and at three different depths and I also decided to nod and put the three different rods in the same area.
In the rocky bottom I used the „ELITE“ flavor, the better option of IB for fishing without a previous preparation of the spot, with a short rig and only on boilies and very little quantity of food because of the depth I put my vg was 12 u do the idea was that the fish had to find it lost and without spending too much time looking for the food.
In this depth I wasn’t preoccupied for the robs because in this time of the year their presence is often found in lower depths, one more reason to consider it a „HOT SPOT“.
For the muddy bottom, I chose „CRAWFISH“ because of its strong smell, with a rig drilling the pop-up to add a floating cork to be sure that with the time passing it wouldn’t lose its floating property and would go down to the bottom.
This flavor is perfect to use it because of its intense smell in my opinion, in the muddy bottoms, because it’ll take a long time to be contaminated with the bottom smell so that’ll allow us to keep more time the bait in the water, and if we add that it’ll float always about three centimeters and won’t ever go down because of the small pop-up weight that we attached makes this a perfect option.
In the vegetation bottom with three meters of depth, I used the balanced hair boilies BANANA flavor because here the robs were active and they don’t like very much this sweet flavor and the other reason is that for using this bait it had a very visual white and yellow color.
The flavor of the session without any doubts was the „CRAWFISH„, giving me the first three fish and as I said before I chose to change the other rods to this flavor but without changing the composition of the rigs being very meticulous in the sharpening of my hooks because I was getting more than one false bite. For this, I used the „PINPOINT HOOKS“ kit with a special gloss included.
For the twelve meters and seven meter rigs I used normal boilies and for the three meters rig, I used the „RAMBO“ hair boilie a harder version than the normal one that resists more with the robs pressure and also it weighs less which is better in the vegetation bottoms.
In my opinion, the fishing session was a success for the time and temperature (40ºC during the day and 30ºC at night) and all the runs were during the night.
It’s true that I did well my homework before I chose the spots by looking well at the air direction before and during the session, this detail I think it helped me to achieve the good results that I had.
In conclusion, my advice is to take your time before you choose a spot for a long session, to study in detail the area and the fish movements signs.
If you see that in the first 24-48 hours you have no movement be smart and don’t lose your time, change the hot spots or even the area that could turn your fishing session into a successful one.
Have a great time and GOOD CARPING!
Jose Sanchez Ortega
Team Imperial Fishing Spain
Last but not least:
Once upon a time,
eine schöne Zeit am Rhein!
Auf dem Kopp ne krasse Wolle,
und die Fänge waren auch nicht dolle,
doch am Ende kam der erste Bolle!
Auch wenn nicht dieser hier im Bild,
morgen wird hier an dieser Stelle mit dem BIG ONE gechillt.