Small is beautiful!
from Luka Blazik
Dear iBlog readers,
I would like to share with you a few images and thoughts on fishing my local lake. The lake is quite small, maybe 2,5ha in size. Because of abundance of natural food and not many carp anglers on the lake, fish are not the biggest, but they are caracther fish, with scars, marks and nice scale patterns. I don’t know the exact number, but I would estimate, there is somewhere between 30 and 50 carp swiming in the lake.
I actually started fishing on this lake, all those years ago, when I got into carp fishing. I fished the lake on and off for a few years, then almost completely forgot about it until last year, when I finally decided I will do my best and fish the lake through the whole season. The plan worked at first, I was to busy to fish elsewhere, so that wasn’t much of a problem. Then came the summer, but I still managed to get out one night or two. With the autumn my trip to south France came and I planned fishing on my home water before. I knew I won’t be able to fish it, as much as I would like. So I fished one last 48hr session on it during haloween and that was over for me.
Knowing, there must be an uncaught monster(15kg+) swiming arround. I fished two weekend sessions this year and I was able to catch biggest known fish in the lake, called „Big Lin“…
I started checking the water as soon as ice dissapeared in the middle of february.
First signs, that spring is on it’s way.
Snow is melting at last!
Almost dissapeared!
I choose IB Carptrack Birdfood Banana Boilies, it has never dissapointed me.
I combined that with Carptrack Stickmix Groundbait and corn. I added home made condensed milk to that. Yummy!
End of february and it was time to wet the lines.
Last pach of snow, exactly were I wanted to put my brolly. Mud everywhere!
Second overnighter, few days later. I blanked of course.
iBoat 160 in use all the time. Perfect for short overnight sessions!
Blanking ☹
When I saw this at our backyard, I knew things will change for better soon…
My crib!
Mr. Blank doing it again. When will this end??
Motionless indicators. Enough of this silly pictures of rods, from variety of angles. When will I start photographing fish instead?!
iBoat 160 in action, in search of new spots.
With winter period finally behind me I was sure I will start catching.
Endtackle ready!
Hooks sharpened and bait ready, it’s time to get a wheel a turning!
First blood, after string of 9 blanks (yes, that is many!)
Finally catching them…
What will the night bring?
Wet sack is always a good sign 😉
Nicely coloured leather.
Almost leather, one of the bigger fish in the lake.
When walking arround on day when I was pre baiting, I notice this clay sculpture.
How cool is that!
The wheels are turning! I was catching them regulary, but didn’t take picture of carp under 6kg, as I was alone on the lake, most of the time.
Crazy! Just look at the size of his mouth. And weighing only 6,7kg.
Chaos. It was about time I organize myself a bit.
Trakker hook ups allowed me to store my rods complete with rigs, that way I was ready for action in no time.
Nights without take became rare.
I cacthed this beautiful zeiler…
..and released it without proper picture, as I was alone on the lake.
I was back on the lake only two days later.
And catched the same fish again, this time I was able to make a shot with her.
I was combinig corn and Birdfood Banana Boilies, usually I used
Very nice mirror.
Followed by equally beautiful common on same night.
You guessed it. I blanked that night!
Doesn’t matter, cause I was catching’em again.
Summer in full swing.
I tried tigers and hemp combination. I soaked tigernut (only hookbait) in Carptrack Tangerine Essential Oil.
Plan worked perfectly! Happy days!
What a beautiful sight, right under the rod tips.
Full moon. I once read Frank Warwick’s article and he stated full moon is good for catching big commons.
You were right Mr. Warwick! One of the biggest commons in the lake (if not the biggest).
It was the first half of August and I really enjoyed in summer afternoons.
How little I knew, that this was my last fish of the summer.
I returned on the lake in October, knowing that was my last fishing there, that season.
In search of new spots. Have I told how much I love iBoat 160 for its compact size!
Baiting up.
With Carptrack Fish Boilies.
I utilize PVA in my autumn and spring fishing a lot.
Ready for the colder night.
Good morning. I was fishing with a friend this time and we were sure we missed our chance for a take.
But we were wrong. However this beautifully coloured mirror was only fish of the session.
Breakfast from local bakery.
Time to say goodbye!
Like I said I fished the lake this year.
Because of hot nights and days, there is no need for brolly.
You really don’t need a lot of tackle for weekend session.
My friend Stef, always willing to help with weighing and photographing.
Very pleased with this result!
Full moon rising.
Confidence booster!
„Big Lin“, the biggest carp known to this day.
„Zeiler sind geiler“, as Germans say.
I really hope I will find some time, to fish this lake in autumn and catch uncaught monster, that swims in the lake depth.
Luka Blazik
Team Imperial Fishing
GOOD CARPING – dedicated to all heroes of the autumn!
max nollert & Team