Do you have an idea how much pulling force we as anglers are using when drilling a large carp?
This question was asked by Max Nollert in an iBlog Update and on Facebook. There were many different guesses which we received. There were many good answers, but there were many which also showed that this experiment was much needed, as there were guesses up to 70 kg!
All of the results related to the force used come direct from the practice and experience of Max Nollert and Julian Jurkewitz. Diverse drill sequences were simulated using all the knowledge, experience, and expertise (totaling 42 years fishing for carp) with a fine scale on the end of the fishing line. These measurements were carefully recorded and maximums and minimums were used to find the averages of both Max and Julian. These numbers we give high credibility to, and find them to be a realistic average for most all carp anglers. There are some factors which are of course subjective and we are aware of that as well.
We do not mean to say that these numbers are the “one and only” answer for everyone, but we do want to show that through the detailed experiments we have shed light on the question as to how much pressure is in play. We hope that this “Experiment” has brought you some more knowledge and wisdom which you can use on the water with our loving hobby, carp angling.
We go further in the diagrams below with more detail and commentary.
Until then, max nollert