![Catch Reports – 25.09.2014](https://imperial-fishing.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/catchreports250914.jpg)
Andreas Stark – Team Imperial Baits Austria
Andreas Stark fought for this terrific 25 kg common carp from the big river Rhone in the south of France. After days of unbearable Mistral winds, which made it very hard and dangerous to bring out the rods, the reward for all their efforts came to the end of the session in the form of a mighty Rhone bullion. Andy was feeding Tigernuts and Imperial Baits Carptrack Fish boilies in 24mm. The bull bited on the edge of the river bed and gave off an incredible drill!
Fabio Manzetti – Imperial Baits Team Italy
Fabio Manzetti lives in Italy, but enjoys traveling in the South of France to catch the carp and get into a nice fishing adventures. After many days during his two-week trip, he was not satisfied with his results and Fabio moved together with his friend to another lake. There the two guys studied the fish and found the carp in a calmy bay. With Imperial Baits Carptrack „Total Carp!“ and Elite boilies fed together on a plateau, Fabio caught two thick cracker and together they shared the joy of success.
Thorsten Illig – Imperial Baits Team Germany
Thorsten Illig fished a gravel pit near the Weser. He trust in this session on IB Carptrack Liquid-Powder paste and coated all his hookbaits with this alluring dough. His tactics with little food, searching the carp and fished on them in the area where he could see them was the right way. Thorsten caught many big ones and the heaviest cracker was this one with 24 kg!
Stefan Uhrig – Imperial Baits Team Germany
Stefan Uhrig fished an old gravel pit near Worms. He was already two nights without fish contact and than changed his strategy. The rods arrived just above the critical layer at 7 m water depth, on a rocky plateau. Now as bait, he sat on the IB Carptrack Liquid-Powder paste and pimped his hook bait with. A simple Rig with a Carp’R’Us Centurion 2000 made his case „sharp“. Stefan fed about 500g per rod IB Carptrack Monster-Liver boilies and distributed them over a large area on the plateau. It was not long before this heavy and massive carp get on.
Luka Blazic – Team Imperial Baits Slovenia
After blanking whole day, and seeing a lot of carp crashing the surface on the other part of the lake, I decided it was time to do something. I jumped in my boat and baited the area carps were showing during the day with 2 kilos of Carptrack Fish boilies. After uneventful night and with no carps at sight I asked myself a question:To stay or move?? The answer was obvious, I waited enough. I packed light, taking only the most important stuff and drove with my boat to the other part of the lake, leaving my car, bivy and the rest of the tackle behind. The move payed off, I catched 9 carp in total that day, biggest being this massive 20 kg coomon carp. All of the fish were caught on simple bottom bait presentation, using double Carptrack fish boile, soaked in Fish Amino Dip as hookbait.