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PB time on a wild water!
At end of October, I had a few free days on my job. I decide to spent that time on a lake. My friend Ivan was my fishing buddy for this session. We came to the lake on Monday and we had 6 days for fishing. Whole Monday we raised our camp and we were searching potential fishing spots with my iBoat 320.
Half prepared iBoat 😀 – of course it is a special one!
Safety first!
iBoat 320, perfect for all my different situations!
Look on small lake, lake of my chillhood.
At Tuesday morning, we brought every 6 rods in new positions. Ivan covered the right part of the lake. I had the whole center and left side for me. All 6 days, we were alone here.
First take for Ivan!
His alarm was screaming… In a rush he grabbed his rod… He say to me: „I have a grasscarp on my hook. Landing net fast fast!!!“ I turned the light on and shined in the water but nothing was there. In half sleep I see some grass cluster and I imagined that it moved like a fish. Hahaha! Then an owl looked at us. Hahahaha. Now when I write this I cant stop laughing. Big really owl, like in a movie. She looked us like: „what the fuck is happening here?“. Then Ivan became Dr. Doolittle… This is something I would telling to my grandchildrens. Than night became calm after that.
Dr. Ivan Doolittle!
Next morning we drink coffe and make some omlet. And again made the rods new. The cay was calm and cloudy. Winter was on the door.
Omlet, breakfast of the champions.
Restreching my rods, we had the whole lake just for us.
Our base from the centre of the lake.
Underwater position where I hooked a beast!!!
Next morning I hear two short beeps on my alarm. At first I though it is nothing, but I get up and walk to my rods. I saw the middle bobbin hanging full down and I lift my rod and start rolling my line. At the first moment I didnt expect nothing. But then I feel something on the other side.
Is it bream or something?
It was pretty bad fighter. And then it became alive. My reel drag start screaming. My rod was full in action. Yeeeah.
Best carp time for me, autumn, fog, rain!
I know it is one of biggest carp in this lake. A few more runs and he was in my landing net. Scale shows 15 kilos, minus weight net, it was 14 kilos of pure wild carp.
Drying clothes after a big rainy fight.
My PB on wild waters and biggest carp on this complex of 5 lakes for this year. I never had that feeling before. Feeling of satisfaction and sense of my victim. I am done with this mission I said.
YEEEEES! I cant describe my feelings in that moment!
Fat one
Another side of the warrior
Yes, I can tell, I made it right!
Release the beast, only thing what we need to make for our passion..
This is how good morning starts 😛
Nothing more happend after this carp. Am I happy? Jes, happiest ever in my carp career. Am I done with this lake? Yes… until unfreeze 😀
Vacation look
Autumn sunset
Carp dinner.
I cant wait spring. Now it is too cold. I planned to spent a few days on a river maybe. I need to search and find possible good winter position. I know one thing. I will never quit to catch biggest in my country on wild and difficult waters. I have something that many anglers havent. I have patience, wish and volition!
After big fish, nature took a break.
Imperial Baits – simply the best for me!
The evenings were cold and wet…
Fog investigation.
This is where I was most of time
Launch making…
I hope you enjoyed to read this. I wish merry christmas and happy new year to all of you and your families. Until next adventure, tight lines!
Luka Vuka
Team Imperial Fishing Croatia
New Video from Sergio Ceccarelli:
„When nature and emotions blend into an indispensable vortex of passion, you are irreparably sick of carpfishing … !!“