19 Carp at Lac du Der
Each Spring we’re off to the allmighty Lac du Der for a weekly session. Our trip is always around easter, so it’s still quite early spring. Considering this and the combination with the fact that it’s a big lake, makes succes very dependent on the weather conditions. Nevertheless we always try to make the best of it.
Praying for good conditions…
The only thing that we allow to work for or against us is the weather. All the other things that are important and crucial for a carp session on this big lake are decisions that we want to have full control over. For example holding area’s, choosing our spot, the kind of bait we take with us, etc. All those things are never left in the hands of luck and took a lot of preparation and years of solving thousands of questions. This way each session can be done with maximum faith. This faith is a major key factor to succes!
Time to start…
This year we leave at april 7th, early morning and in time to watch the sunrise. The van is fully loaded with equipment, bait and a trailer with our trusty iBoat 320. As for bait we’re choosing the cold water version of the Carptrack Banana Boilies, 20mm. These boilies will never let you down on a foreign trip!
The weather was not with us
The weather has been good the past weeks. It has been quite sunny and winter temperatures are behind us. The forecast for our session is great. The first 2 days are going to be hot and windless. Very hard conditions to catch some carp here. So we don’t expect much activity from the start. I guess we’re in for some chilling time then…
Time to eat something…
We arrive on Friday around 11 o’clock at ‚Maison des pecheurs‘ to get the paperwork in order. In the harbour we meet 2 Englishmen who are loading their boats. They’re going to fish on one of the new spots. After a nice chat we wish eachother good luck and before heading out to our spot, we decide to visit a local restaurant for a last decent meal. 2 hours later arrive to our spot with a fully loaded iBoat. Because we fish this part of the lake in our spring session for many years now, we know the spot very well. A couple of years ago we discovered that carp gather here for spawning purposes from very early spring on.
Let the show begin!
By sunset our lines are out and we enjoy our first evening. Because of the forecast and our experience we expect that we will have to wait untill Monday for some carp. As expected the first night stays very quiet. Saturday some carp show themselves in the upper layer. Bremes are spawning and some carp are swimming right in the middle of it. Saturday was again very hot and windless. This night everything stays very quiet again, but sundaymorning starts with a screaming Delkim. A little unexpected we catch our first carp of the session. A typical Der-common of 15kg. The rest of the day is blank, but by nightfall the air-pressure is dropping rapidly. The forecast is spot on and our adrenaline rises.
The show must go on!
The next morning wind is blowing hard and we see some carp jumping. They’re active! Around 11 o’clock we’re in a fight with our second carp of the session. Big waves are pounding against the boat while we land the carp. Another Der-common of 18,7kg is ours for a couple of minutes. We know that we have to give our maximum now and as fast as we can we take the rod out again with a fresh 20mm IB Banana boilie. A half hour later we’re at it again and it goes on at a very fast tempo untill the next moring. It’s crazy, so crazy that we decide to stop fishing for a couple of hours to catch some sleep and regain some energy. This proves again what a weather change can do on a big lake.
In the end, everything pays off
The next couple of days we catch carp every day. All our fish are caught on the Carptrack cold water banana boilies, soaked in the banana amino dip.
By Thursday evening we land 19 fish and we loose one. The biggest fish were 20,3kg, 20,1kg and 21,9kg.
Our last night stays quiet and by Friday noon we’re all packed up and ready to go home.
A tyring but a succesfull session, just how it should be! We’re back at Der in a month or 2. Untill then…
…aaand Action!
good carping & tight lines
Jurgen Lievens & Glenn Labie
Team Imperial Fishing Belgium
Neu bei IB:
BIG Scopana.Love Picture
by Jose Sanchez Ortega
Team IB Spain
Carp Time Preview:
The Battle of Amsterdam!
von und mit David Fořt
Carp Time ist ein tschechisches Videomagazin, das kein geringerer als Imperial Fishing exklusiv Vertriebspartner für Tschechien und die Slovakai, David Fořt, ins Leben gerufen hat. Es erscheinen in regelmässigen Abständen äußerst cool und sehr aufwändig produzierte Sendungen übers Karpfenangeln: Praxis, Technik Tests!
Sein Cutter Robin Löwe leistet excellente Arbeit, wie wir sie bis heute in der Karpfenszene nur sehr selten sehen.
Bisher erschien das Magazin leider nur auf tschechisch. Da die Nachfrage und Klickzahl aber stetig wächst, wird erstmals eine Ausgabe mit englischem Untertitel zum Download kostenfrei angeboten. Wir sind gespannt und genießen den heute frisch erschienenen Trailer zur neuen Sendung: The Battle of Amsterdam!