Versandkostenfreie Lieferung ab 49 €, News aus Italien & Catchreport von Antonio Nunes
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Er kann den Mund nicht voll genug bekommen…
…mit Carptrack Boilies 🙂
Big News from Team iB Italy!
Einige iB Teamangler aus Italien sind unterwegs an großen Gewässern und ziehen ganz schön was an Land, mehr dazu in Kürze!
…more pictures coming soon!
Alessandro Peracchi in Frankreich
Click here to see a short Video from a big reservoir lake in france!
Marco Bertaglia am Balaton mit David Fort
Ein aktueller Magazinbericht fon Marco – mehr dazu in Kürze
iB The Cap! & Session Pack 9AH
Marco`s erste Wahl: Max Nollert Temptation MK III

Carptrack Amino Dip Scopana.Love
… with 30mm Scopana.Love Boilie
Marco Bertaglia and David Fort rock the big Balaton lake!
More coming soon on the iBlog!
Max Nollert on the Cover of the IT magazine Carp & Catfish
Gibt es hier bald den großen Bruder?
Now everthing gets better – Antonio Nunes
Could be a title, but that´s the message I sent to Max Nollert after getting 3 fish in the first day of my last fishing session (from 04 to 06 May).
And why I did it?
In the last sessions I had some troubles by hooking the carp correctly, I lost too many bites, just not well hooked. Those troubles came because my inexperience of using bait boats instead of casting and I share with Max Nollert those problems. Max gave me some clues and some possible solutions.
The answer of max: „Regarding your problem of not hooking well when you bring out rods by boat: It might be due to the lead is not fixed enough on the ground.When you cast it sinks fast to the ground and has better holding on the ground as it sinks more in the mud or sand and can let the hook better go straight in the mouth of the carp. By the way how do you feed when you bring out rods by boat. Narrow or wider area?
And so I follow what he told me – and catch 😉
By the way: Another important thing, the portuguese law was changed this year, nowthe “carpfishing” is recognize by law´s, and we can fish with three rods, (catch and released) Good news for carp industry 🙂
Now allowed, fishing by night in different lakes in Portugal!
And so we did: We arrive on 4 May, 7:30 AM at “Lago da Alfarófia (Elvas, Portugal)” and start preparing everything for the next two nights of fishing, what a new experience , yeahh!
First Day
First step, where to fish, get on the boat and feel the bottom with a prodding stick, I want to fish in gravel zones, avoid the mud or dirty zones.
After mapping those areas, I start baiting. I used Imperial Baits Scopana.Love 20mm, Imperial Baits Crawfish 20mm, Imperial Baits Amino Pellets 4mm and some cooked seeds. In this mix, I add: Imperial Baits inLiquid, Imperial Baits Powder, Imperial Baits inP and Imperial Baits GLM Full Fat.
This becomes very usual in every mix I make, it gave lots of confidence!
Imperial Baits inLiquid – I love it!
Imperial Baits Powder, Imperial Baits inP and Imperial Baits GLM Full Fat.
First Rod – Imperial Baits Banana Birdfood 20mm with the Banana Amino Dip
Second Rod – Imperial Baits Crawfish 20mm + Imperial Baits Liquid-Powder Paste
Third Rod – Imperial Baits Scopana.Love 16mm + Imperial Baits Scopana.Love Flying Pop Ups 16mm
First bite and what a fish to start!
Imperial Baits Scopana.Love 16mm + Imperial Baits Scopana.Love Flying Pop Ups 16mm
At just 11:00 AM, don´t know exactly the time, I start fishing. One hour later I land the first fish! Great starting!
Just before it gets dark, we realise that this session would not be that easy… this lake has many crawfish and as the temperature warms up, they get active and start biting the boilies!
A new challenge, how to avoid the crawfish?
R A M B O was the best solution!
All anglers in the lake choose to fish with tigernuts or plastic corn, it´s always a good option in those situations. I didn´t do that. Get all the rod´s out, replaced all hook baits with Imperial Baits “RAMBO”, and made a little change. The third rod, changed the hook baits, instead Imperial Baits Scopana.Love “Rambo”, I put Imperial Baits BIG FISH “Rambo”.
5 May – 03:15 AM
The Third rod I change the hook bait, from Imperial Baits Scopana.Love “Rambo” to Imperial Baits BIG FISH “Rambo” has a drop back bite! Didn´t hooked… shit!
04:00 AM
Middle rod, the same, a drop back bite, also didn´t hooked… Night goes one, and no more bites
06:30 AM
a strong bite and I had to use the boat to get the fish off the bulrush and after a while, I got him safely on the mat. What a carp!
Imperial Baits BIG FISH “Rambo”
Very soon he will be well released
All the best for you!
Another boilie from Imperial Baits producing a catch in this very difficult lake! Amazing! Imperial Baits really makes the difference from other brands! They are the TOP baits I ever used!
08:00 AM
again the third rod has a bite! Pick up the rod and the fight began!
What a fighter!
Almost in the net and… lost the fish… unhooked! Could not believe! ARGH!
Look at the Imperial Baits BIG FISH “Rambo” after more than twelve hours in water with lots of active crayfish it was still in good conditions! Just great!
The power of IB
You may think that a boilie cannot resist against crawfish, but remember no one in the lake was able to fish with boilies beyond me! One or two hours in water with a “regular” boilie and it´s gone, crawfish here are very powerful! But with RAMBO all was fine!
During the day no more activity, temperature start´s up!
Before it gets dark again, I made some changes, first time I test Imperial Baits Monster´s Paradise. Why I believe in this bait? Simple because the carp are biting very well in the Imperial Baits Big Fish, which is a bait with some spicy taste. Imperial Baits Monster´s Paradise is more aggressive and has some spice taste… should work as well 🙂
I was right! … to be continued!
In the following find some pictures from a Carp Tournement…
António Lopes Nunes,
Imperial Baits Team Portugal